Thursday, September 4, 2014

Chocolate Favors Simplify Half Birthday Parties

Celebrating half birthdays is a real thing, and chocolate favors make the idea easier to swallow. You may think that planning two birthday parties a year is too much, or you may think that it doubles the fun. Either way, take a look at some good reasons to mark the occasion and eat delicious chocolate.
When half birthdays are a good idea: Do it for the children whose birthdays occur during summer break and holidays when so many of their classmates are away. A half birthday bash during the school year might keep them from feeling like they are missing out. Similarly, a six month birthday could make up for a party that had to be postponed due to illness or other emergencies. On a happier note, flexible scheduling could accommodate grandparents and other guests who travel long distances but never get to see birthday candles because they’re tied up on those dates. As a bonus, they may already be bringing gifts so you’re not fueling any extra consumption.
How to customize half birthday candy wrappers: You can use those half numbers on your wrappers to sneak in a lesson about fractions, decimals and percentages. Make it fun by shaping the image into an animal or displaying it on the side of a toy train. Of course, you could also stick with designs featuring birthday cakes and candles.

Other suggestions for celebrating half birthdays: You may want to explain from the start that this is a special event if you don’t want to buy twice as many birthday cakes every year. On the other hand, if you keep it simple, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy the extra festivities on a regular basis.

We’re your full service destination for custom wrapped chocolates for personal and business needs. Contact us today to see how easy it is to treat your guests and customers to one of a kind treats.

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